Year of the Chick - kindle ebook by Romi Moondi

"Year of the Chick" is book 1 in a series, and this first book is all about looking for love and avoiding arranged marriage, which results in adventures throughout a big city in search for love, as well as the murky waters of Internet dating. The series goes on to include star-crossed love in book 2, and an international adventure to Europe in book 3. "Year of the Chick" has 89 reviews on Amazon and a 4+ star rating; the sequel "Last-Minute Love" has 90 reviews on Amazon and a 4.4 out of 5 star rating, while the newest installment book 3 entitled "Never or Forever" has 42 reviews on Amazon and a 4.6 out of 5 star rating. So get ready to laugh and cringe at the main characters adventures in book 1 "Year of the Chick", a full length novel which is FREE!