Brave Rooney - Kindle ebook by Gerry Renert
When I was in elementary school back in New England, I faced an endless challenge in wanting to fit in with the best-liked kids. I think it’s a challenge most children face, at some point or other, which is the reason I wrote the book BRAVE ROONEY. Rooney’s an ordinary nine-year old boy, in fact, he’s the only ordinary boy at Captain Majestic Memorial School, an elementary school of superhero kids. Talk about a tough crowd to fit in with. At first, Rooney tries engaging in some of his classmates' super feats – like flying off the playground monkey bars or racing with a train. But all that happens is he ends up getting bumped and bruised. Captain Majestic Memorial School has never had a nurse in its hundred-year history but, thanks to Rooney, the school is forced to get a nurse. How humiliating. Rooney, like most new kids in school, gets off to a bumpy start, but when there’s a school assignment, he surprisingly shows everyone he possesses a super-skill that none of the superheroes have. In the end, we find out it’s Rooney who’s the bravest kid of them all, and he’s completely accepted for being who he is.