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Set in the small rural town of Clarendon, Texas, this mystery finds the newly-elected sheriff, Kelly Wren, swept into not only the 1949 cold case murder of sixteen-year-old Sandra Lynn Hershey, but also the 1971 murder of Brigette Mayer. The Mayer case takes on an added dimension when Wren realizes that his deceased grandfather, Hardy, also a sheriff in Clarendon for a decade, was having an affair with Miss Brigette at the time of her death. To make matters worse, there's this annoying newspaper woman (with no name) who makes it a habit to ask just the wrong questions at the wrong time.
And then there's Eddie Vasco. You think you've had some bad days? Wait until you see what happens to him. You'll squirm as he drags an unsuspecting Wren into the quagmire and the two men become targets of an unbelievably vile network of killers.
And romance? Well, of course, there's Angie Morrison. I'm talking about the knocked-out beautiful Angie Morrison. She's definitely interested in Wren but wait a minute! I'm trying my best to get these two kids together but what's this thing he has going on with his ex-wife, Rachel? Come on Wren, give me a break.
This is not a cut and dry mystery; it doesn't in any way mirror the well-rehearsed and scripted TV dramas where everything has to fall into a neat and predictable timetable. It's more of a reflection of the real world where it's difficult to dig through a gray blanket of fog to find the truth.
I haven't spent pages and pages describing and analyzing the main characters; I leave that to the reader. This is a fast-paced book that screams for a sequel. You'll understand what I mean when you reach the end.