Imogene's Message - A Thriller of Extreme Prejudice by Christine Sherborne

Imogene's Message was inspired by the deep seated religious prejudice that many people still hold. The story is about the Phineas Priesthood as they try to destroy the Guardians of Avebury Circle, in Wiltshire, UK. When my ten-year-old son died in a car accident, I was informed that he now burned in hell. Nicky attended a Catholic school and church, but apparently according to some churches, Catholic's are not true Christians. Perhaps I still hold anger in my heart for the tremendous hurt I felt at the time. I believe prejudice has no place in the modern world. But as we can all see, religious prejudice is alive and kicking across many countries, bringing with it misery and death. This book is pure fantasy and has supernatural elements that help bring a message of love from a little seven-year-old girl, Imogene. This fast-moving thriller will speak to your heart, please read with an open mind.