The Mob Zone - Crime Fiction by Joseph DeMatteo

The Mob Zone - Crime Fiction book promotion by Joseph DeMatteo

The Mob Zone . . . another dimension in the seedy, sordid, viscously violent underworld. Three heart-pounding, heartbreaking and at times heartwarming laugh-out-loud tales of vice, murder and deceit. Learn what’s buried under the historic statue of Paul Revere . . . Jimmy Hoffa, the Great Brink’s robbery loot or the stolen art from Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner museum heist?

Benny and Nicky Go for a Ride: Two South Philly based hitmen “Hit” the road to handle a quick and quit job in Boston.

“What ya got in the bag? Thought we weren’t stayin’ over.”

“We ain’t. Just some things we need.”

“What kinda things?”

“Things. The kind we need.”

Driving in Silence: Fraternal twin mute assassins, Nino and Dino DePasquale, truly speak the language of “OmertĂ ” — the oath of silence.

Before you kill ‘em, you shove that ball of rotten cheese in his mouth until he chokes. He’ll know who sent ya.”

The Paul Revere Job: FBI Special Agent, Michael Bartone, goes in deep as Tommy “The Trucker” Dellaventura to infiltrate what’s left of Boston’s La Cosa Nostra.

“Stay outta drugs, Tommy. Stick with the clean stuff: robbery, hookers, gamblin’, shylockin’, blackmail. Nuttin’ wrong with makin’ an honest livin’.”