The Million Dollar Marriage by Gloria Duran

The Million Dollar Marriage by Gloria Duran - self-published book marketing service

Free book promotion on Amazon 4/25/2022 - 5/29/2022!

Fidelity, love, romanticism, respect, and communication play major roles in marriage relationships. Nurturing each other with these elements is essential and is the bedrock of marriages. It is important to be as mindful of them all in our daily living as we are with the water we drink and the food we eat. Just as food and water are vital ingredients required for our bodies to survive, nurturing our spouses with all these aforementioned elements are vital ingredients required for your marriage relationship to survive.
Understanding marriage is like understanding the law of gravity. The one who understands gravitational force understands the give and take of marriage. Live your marriage with peace of mind, with happiness and free of resentment. Live your marriage happily ever after!!!