Daimones - a speculative sci-fi PA by Massimo Marino

The Prologue in a list of REAL news articles of events happened in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Excerpts (in quotation) ore from newspapers articles where the event happened. 

You can search each of the news articles on google and find the actual newspaper. Also the comments from "officials" are real comments extracted from articles. I know, it is amazing so many people simply ignore this. Ah, yes, these strange death in 2012 continued. These kind of things are ignored. The Prologue is  our REAL LIFE unfortunately. Then the novel starts  :)

The story, on purpose, starts with the confusing life--and manifest lack of information--of characters that, as with the vast majority of us, live their life focusing on a very little world around themselves. Then something happens, and the "heros" arch starts.

"Daimones" is volume 1 of a post-apocalypse trilogy whose dystopian roots are million years old. Ancient aliens, a galactic struggle, the control of unique resources, meld to dictate the fate of the humankind. Read how it starts in "Daimones" and continue to see the conflicts unfold into "Once Humans", to be released early June, 2013.