Posting: New Beginnings: Book 2 | The Secrets of Clayton County Trilogy

New Beginnings... a romantic suspense by Don Wooldridge

It was Hilary Clinton who was quoted as saying "It still takes a village to raise a child. In all three novels of The Secrets of Clayton Countytrilogy the author uniquely describes that village. Though the community, like any other, harbors its fools, loud, outrageous, quirky and mysterious residents, they are all accepted as one of the myriad patches that make up the quilt of the community. Political correctness does not prevail; only straight from the hip honesty, whether one wants to hear it or not. The underlying belief of each book in the Trilogy is the reality that there are hundreds of thousands of "Clayton County's" in the United States, yet our media and advertisers paint a much different picture of urban life in all that they do. Our government's field of vision is near sighted in that it only looks around Washington, D.C. upon which to draw its perception of life… with a farsightedness directed only eastward to the shores of the Atlantic.

Being able to create a rich tapestry of the rural America that invites readers back to their roots is not an easy task as a writer; it calls for creating characters who need to be fully embraced, so as to be recognized by readers of a totally different culture. These characters need to tell the kind of story that will not only help readers connect with them, but share bits of history, lest they be forgotten.  Thus, when former IRS Agent, Sarah Hunter returns to the sleepy little Iowa town, she is looking for romance and the answers to some remaining secrets… not for people seeking to resist paying taxes by engaging in bartering activities. Life for Sarah is a mix of the bitter and the sweet; life keeps happening in the midst of her trying to have a perfect one. Suspense abounds and romance expands and bartering…well it remains a core fabric of the culture so long existing in Clayton County, Iowa.