Saving Grace - Kindle ebook by Pamela Fagan Hutchins

Saving Grace is a romantic mystery zipping back and forth between Texas and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Wait, no. Make that a legal thriller with a trainwreck of an attorney who’s as much of a danger to herself as the bad guys. Um, how about a ghost story featuring a Caribbean jumbie who bewitches an otherwise sensible girl from the states? Then again, some people call it a romance, if getting kicked to the curb and pining for the wrong guy is romantic. Technically, you could even categorize it as a redemption story starring the woman you’d gladly take as your new best friend. Those that know the author whisper that it’s pages from her diary, an accusation she hotly denies. Oh hell, whatever it is, it’s smart, full of laughs and suspense, and includes chapters from the just-released second book in the Katie & Annalise series, Leaving Annalise. And don’t just take our word for it: Saving Grace is a multi-award-winner with a 4.5+ Amazon rating and was an Amazon bestseller already in Women’s Sleuth Mysteries and Women’s Fiction. Make it your guilty vacation-in-a-book today, only--at 99 cents--you’ll mostly feel guilty because you got your favorite book of 2013 on the cheap.