Picnic at the Iron Curtain - Kindle ebook by Susan Viets


Picnic at the Iron Curtain: From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Ukraine’s Orange Revolution won a 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards finalist’s award and was a 2012 Foreword’s Book of the Year Award finalist. It is an adventure filled memoir based on my experiences as a journalist covering the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. When I first went to Eastern Europe, as a student in 1988, I never imagined that I would smuggle people across borders, trade on the black market, or deliberately drive by car into a civil war. What began with a bicycle accident in London shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall ended up in a decade long journey through countries breaking free from the Soviet bloc, with a return visit to Kiev in 2004 to report on Ukraine’s Orange revolution. That chapter provides context for understanding protests that began in Ukraine in November 2103 over the President’s decision not to sign an association agreement with the European Union.

I reported primarily for British news organizations, The Guardian (in Hungary), The Independent (in Ukraine), and for BBC World (in London and Ukraine). I also contributed to other media outlets, including CBC radio and Newsweek magazine.