Man from the Sky - Suspense Thriller kindle ebook promotion by Danny Wynn

Man from the Sky - Suspense Thriller kindle ebook promotion by Danny Wynn
Man from the Sky - Suspense Thriller kindle ebook marketing by Danny Wynn

Seventy-three-year-old Jaime has led a quiet life high up in the mountains on the west coast of Mallorca. Quiet but dull. And now his health is failing and he’s feeling trapped by the island he’s always loved and betrayed by a body he can no longer control. Enter Stefan, who  literally falls from the sky and lands in Jaime’s backyard with a backpack full of smuggled cocaine. Stefan, worldly and outgoing, is nearly Jaime’s opposite and yet the two hit it off and come up with a plan to sell the cocaine. Amateurs in the world of drug dealing, they’re blind to the dangers that await them both.