Dune Devils - a thriller by J. A. Hailey


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The Sheikh of Dubai, an Arab state in the Persian Gulf, has blinded the world with his grandiose schemes and seemingly westernised city. But, beneath the glitter and gloss, lies the fabric of a truly evil society of thieves, paedophiles, slavers and murderers, all assisted in their crimes by the twisted laws of the land and by an illogical and terrifying judicial system.

This is where Carl Snyder, CEO of the world’s largest bank, introduces his global credit card scam – now running for fifteen years!

Primarily a thriller, Dune Devils is both an exposĂ© of the card scam and of the wicked city of Dubai, narrated through the tales of Al, a bank customer who sees through the scam, of the Sheikh, a ruler of immense greed, cruelty and cynicism, and of the bank’s team in Dubai, led by Chad Durbin.
Making common cause with the Sheikh, the bank sets out to silence Al – permanently.

Alerted by the bungles of a blundering hitman, Al lives in hiding with his beautiful Russian girlfriend, while writing a book that will sink the bank. As the years roll by, all the keepers of the bank’s secret believe him dead.

All but Carl Snyder…

A chronicle of exploitation, rape, torture and murder, Dune Devils is also an uplifting novel, narrating a tender love story, and recording the fierce loyalties of lovers, as they struggle to establish the supremacy of right over wrong.

This is an important book, suspenseful throughout, detailing an ongoing scam and laying bare the sickening underbelly of Dubai.