Always - A Sequel to Second Chances - kindle ebook by Rachael R. Vaughn

Always picks up several months from where Second Chances left off, with
the ramifications of the secrets that were revealed in Second Chances
intermingled with the mystery of the small town's first shocking murder.
Like the first book, this book has also been described as very
suspenseful, mixed with action and romance, and as having twists and turns
the reader does not expect.

Because a black teen from a poor neighborhood is accused of murdering a
white teen from an upscale neighborhood, racial issues and socioeconomic
prejudices heighten the legal drama in the once peaceful town of Mason,
Arkansas.  These issues also end up pitting family members against one
another and driving a wedge between Trey Ross and his girlfriend, Sarah
Williams, who happen to be an interracial couple.

Always contains minor characters with big personalities, such as Judge Joe
Hughes, Officer Stephen Ware, and the police detective, who help round out
the plot and provide a glimpse into some of the attitudes of people who
often work in the justice systems of small towns.

A Life: Phase One and 28 Short Stories by Martin Green

What does a young man in the 1950's want in life?  This young man returns from the Army (Korea) to New York City with the goals of getting a job, getting a girl and having his own place to live.   Sounds simple, but that's not the way it turns out to be.  Follow the (mis)adventures of Danny Stein as he strives to find his place in life, first in the Big Apple and then, in a transcontinental jump, San Francisco.

Hallowed Ground - kindle ebook by Brian M Sorn

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the woods, a new slasher emerges!

Six friends, Ryan, Katt, Ron, Hope, Derrick, and Ashley, hit the road to take a weeklong trip to visit newlyweds Amber and Justin at their brand new lake house in the old town of Whispering Springs. The mostly abandoned town is gorgeous and picturesque with the large sparkling blue lake and deep lush forest all around them. The friends arrive at the lake house to unpack and settle in for their vacation, but nothing is as it should be. It is very strange that such a naturally lovely and inviting place could be so void of people. Why would anyone ever want to leave? What could have happened here? After meeting a few of the remaining inhabitants, a story starts to unfold to reveal just what horrible events took Whispering Springs from a bustling town to the deserted area that it currently is. All of the friends find themselves trapped in their own worst nightmare as they come face to face with a killing machine like no other. Will any of the friends be able to survive the monster that is William Vasher? 

The Beaten Zone - A Kindle book by Tom Mykytiuk

Cole Samson runs a marine salvage business, but the ex-Special Forces soldier has a taste for adventure. Rena Moore has made a vow to her dying grandfather, retired British secret agent, Captain Simon Moore, to find a priceless artifact looted by the Nazis during their occupation of Yugoslavia. Rena enlists the aid of Cole and his team in her search. A copy of the old spy's operational journal leads them to the small Bosnian town of Drvar, site of a  desperate bid by German paratroops to capture the partisan General Josef Tito during WWII. They uncover a deadly mix of political intrigue and organized crime as powerful men fight for dominance in the new "peace" ending the violent civil war that fractured Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The town's deadly past resurfaces when Willie Moltke, a young German paratrooper during the attack on Drvar, now an aged successful businessman, returns to Bosnia seeking answers to a mystery that has haunted him for half a century.

Ghost Writer - YA paranormal by Vala Kaye

Tech-savvy teen Malden Montgomery leaves New York City anticipating nothing but boredom when her artist-mother brings her along on a two-week vacation to a family inn in rural Virginia.

What Malden doesn't expect is the owner's 17-year-old son, Jackson, who is totally to-die-for cute. But does she dare believe him when he tells her that her room at the inn may be haunted by a young woman named Emily, who died there more than 150 years ago?

Then Emily begins to communicate with Malden and she and Jackson realize they have to find a way to help Emily's ghost come back home or risk a spirit's wrath if they choose to leave her lost in the darkness forever.

What Readers are saying about Ghost Writer:

"Clever, believable and a totally fun read."

"This is a fast paced YA romance with a dash of science fiction and a seasoning of paranormal. My favorite kind of read.The voices are real and I loved it."

"Overall this is a quick, fun novella, combining today’s sensibilities with an old-fashioned ghost story."

"A fun, light read, with nice hints at deeper issues...Kaye is an author to watch."

"I want to call this a ghost story, but it's the sort that gives you pause. If ghosts could exist..." - Long and Short YA Reviews

The Versatile Farmers of the North - kindle ebook by Victor Condorcét Vinje

This book deals with the socio-economic context of the highly progressive and libertarian constitutional drafts of the Norwegian yeomen in the spriing of 1814. It traces the origins of these drafts back into the 18th century -- in the Enlightenment and the Age of Democratic Revolution. Moreover, attention is directed towards the natural conditions -- topographic and ecological -- under which these yeomen lived and worked.

Being a result of the unique position which the yeomen had achieved by their versatile ways of life and occupations thorughout former ages, they were among the most radical ever produced during the Age of Democratic revolution -- even if though they were produced at a time when a general political reaction had set in in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. Ideals and notions which we take for granted in the Western world today -- but which were not nearly achieved by the turn of the 18th century; freedom of speech and printing, occupational freedom, democratic decision making processes, and so on -- were elaborated on and demanded by these yeomen at a stage in European history when the so-called "Holy Alliance" (Prussia, Russia and Austria) was working in the opposite, reactionary direction. Hence, the very constitutional drafts themselves are subjected to discussion towards the end of the book.

The book also distinguishes itself by the rather unorthodox view of the Swedish monarch in the post-Napoleonic period -- Bernadotte (Charles John) -- who has generelly been depicted as a conservative figure in most history writing. However, the fact is that he was a former French revolutionary soldier and a general under Napoleon Bonaparte, suggests that one will have to search deeper into his background to understand the intention behind his dispositions. In the latter role, he significantly broke with Napoleon over the issue of respect for other people's constitutions, and he obviously sided with the revolutionary Norwegian yeomen in their constitutional struggle in Norway. This manifested itself when he disapproved of the 17th of May constitution adopted at Eidsvoll -- a constitution in which the yeomen's drafts were turned down by the Norwegian burghers and state officials.

Translating Libya - Kindle ebook by Ethan Chorin

Translating Libya:  Chasing the Libyan Short Story, from Mizda to Benghazi

Second Edition, 2014. $5.99, 273 pages

Intrigued by the absence of "place" in modern Libyan literature, Ethan Chorin resolved to find find short stories that mentioned specific locations in Libya, to translate the stories, and then to travel to the sites and describe what he found there.  The result is a mixture of anthology (16 short stories by 14 authors) and unorthodox - and often amusing - travelogue, full of anecdotes from communities across Libya, during the later years of Moammar Gaddafi's rule. 

The 2014 update includes a new, post-Revolution introduction by the author-editor, and a foreword by one of the most recognizable names in Libyan literature, Ahmed Ibrahim Fagih, whose classic "Al Jarad" (The Locusts) is included in the volume. The book has been widely cited as a key reference in Modern Libyan Literature, and features the work of several up-and-coming Libyan women authors.

Ethan Chorin, a former U.S. diplomat posted to Libya from 2004-2006, returned to Libya at the beginning of the 2011 Libyan Revolution to work on a trauma-related project. He is the author of "Exit the Colonel: The Hidden History of the Libyan Revolution (PublicAffairs, 2012)"  He can be followed on Twitter @ethanchorin

WhipEye - kindle ebook by Geoffrey Saign

Samantha walks into a pet store, and an ancient parrot says to her, “Bust me out of here!”

Samantha’s decision involves her in a dangerous adventure with her neighbor Jake that will pit them against monsters, magical creatures, and an ancient evil guardian.

To save two worlds, they will have to decide to risk everything, while facing their greatest fears…

My sister said my working title (The Methuselah Parrot) didn’t work, and I needed a punchy one-word title.

I thought on this for two weeks, before WhipEye came out of the blue to me while watching a movie. I had never seen the term or heard it, and to be honest it sounded goofy and foreign.

However, the more I repeated WhipEye to myself, the more I liked it.

I had to put in backstory to make it work, and that one word, WhipEye, made the plot, the main character, and the world building stronger and complete. In fact, it framed everything for the book. I am still amazed by this.

Operating like this is called living intuitively, and intuition plays a role in WhipEye. Kids need to trust themselves, and learn how to do it.

I also wanted a main character that is in love with wildlife—so young readers can appreciate the beauty of wild animals as much as they do dogs, cats, or other pets.

This story is about heart, loss and love, protecting those who can’t protect themselves, and doing what’s right. Kids need to understand that they can be afraid, and still follow their heart. More than anything, WhipEye is a good thriller, an action adventure that all ages can enjoy.

I hope my readers find WhipEye as thrilling as I did when writing it.

Conscious Calm - kindle ebook by Laura Maciuika

Feeling more stressed and worried than usual? A busy mind keeping you up at night? Conscious Calm will show you the hidden stress traps that add to stress, without your even knowing it. And this book will show you how to get free from those hidden stress traps, fast. Written by psychologist and consultant Dr. Laura Maciuika, this book includes the most useful, practical knowledge from both western and eastern psychology and wisdom. Here's what New York Times Marci Shimoff had to say about it:

"Conscious Calm distills an amazing breadth of information into a readable, practical mini-manual. This is the must-read book if you want to bust stress and experience lasting calm and peace in your life."
- Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason

When you read Conscious Calm, you'll discover the 9 Stress Traps that are so easy to fall into, that make stress and worry so much worse. You'll also discover the 9 Stress Secrets that can free you from overwhelming stress and worry for good.

You'll also find a free Bonus: a download of the Try This Action Steps guide that will support you in the simple, quick Try This ideas you'll find at the end of each chapter.

Publishers Weekly said: "With stress levels spiking everywhere, this refreshingly accessible DIY plan produces results and will not add to overwhelming to-do lists."

Find out why Conscious Calm has 4.5 Stars on Amazon with 60 reviews. And get free from the stress traps that keep you in cycles of fatigue and overwhelm - you deserve more inner peace and lasting calm!

Roller Coaster - kindle ebook by Alan Minton

Roller Coaster, A Jersey Shore Boy's  Explicit Memoir is called a" Must Read" for anyone interested in the politics of coming out in the 1950's, when there was no such use of the word  gay, except to describe a flower arrangement.

Alan knew he was different, very different at 4 years of age after his first fishing trip, when he felt sorry for the fish gasping for breath. He would rather be baking cookies with  mother.
Stricken with life threatening Polio in 1947, he went on to become an amateur figure skating champion, but not before experimenting sexual encounters with men twice his age. Picked up on the North Jersey Coast train by a leather guy he went to his first gay party recognizing his mother's effeminate hair dresser from the small town of Fair Haven, New Jersey.

Driven by the lure of show business, Alan ran away and joined the Ice Capades. Touring the country, falling in love in Atlantic City. Giving it all up after 4 years of touring and meeting Hollywood screen stars to be with his lover, only to have the relationship fall apart within a few months.
Katharine Hepburn said to Laura Harding her lover, "Alan is light on his feet, even without his skates."

Addicted to sex by the time he was 11, followed by alcohol and then cocaine, Roller Coaster is a ride you will not soon forget. Peppered with hilarious vignettes through out it is no wonder it  has 3 Five Star reviews.

Selling Energy: Inspiring Ideas That Get More Projects Approved! - kindle ebook by Mark Jewell

KDP Countdown Deals from 10/26/2014 - 10/30/2014 for 99 cents.

“The best way to prosper yourself is to prosper others.”
                                                                       - Walter Jewell

The first time I heard that advice, I was a very young man sitting at the dinner table with my family.  The topic that particular night was some variation of “What would you like to be when you grow up?”  After hearing my first few ideas, my father shared his simple ten-word suggestion for how to enjoy not only a successful career, but also personal fulfillment.

Today, the lobby of our San Francisco headquarters features an Inspiration Wall that prominently displays my father’s wise words and many others like it.  That wall is the touchstone of what my team and I do every day.  We teach fellow professionals how to enjoy greater success in their worlds by making others more successful.

“Learning to sell efficiency effectively” is a phrase we use quite often in our work.  Having witnessed efficiency decision-making in more than three billion square feet of real estate over the last twenty years, we’ve found that very few people actually know how to sell efficiency.  Most people simply promote it, as if it were a greater good like finding a cure for cancer or housing the homeless.  In some circles, the concept of “promoting” efficiency is so pervasive, you’d think “sell” was a “four-letter word”!

Many people are not very comfortable “selling” even in settings where the notion of selling is not taboo.  Why?  For one, the average salesperson receives less than three days of sales training in his or her entire career.  Moreover, most of that is really product knowledge training rather than teaching someone how to sell.

Second, many sales training programs feature techniques that are no longer effective given the increased sophistication and access to information that today’s buyers bring to the table.

Finally, most sales training programs are one-size-fits-all, as if one could sell efficiency the same way one might sell real estate, insurance, or photocopiers.  Without a doubt, the efficiency industry needs to stop promoting its wares and start selling them. In order for that to happen, many market actors will need training on how to sell efficiency effectively.

The Efficiency Sales Professional Institute is not about “drop and run” training where folks attend a fast-paced seminar to get motivated and educated, only to revert to their old attitudes and habits shortly thereafter. All of our offerings are designed with an eye toward “drip-irrigation” content reinforcement to ensure that lessons learned are consistently applied to drive more sales and move efficiency forward.

Jewell Insights™ is a perfect example of this philosophy.  Each and every day, we publish a short essay via our free ESP Ninja App and email blog.  Each essay either introduces or expands on a topic covered in our in-person and online offerings.  Our workshops offer plenty of innovative mindsets, strategies, and tactics for selling efficiency effectively. Jewell Insights™ provides daily reinforcement that helps those innovations “stick.”

In the words of Mike Rowe (of Dirty Jobs fame), “innovation without imitation is a total waste of time.”  Our combination of revelation and repetition transforms ordinary salespeople into lifelong efficiency sales professionals. On a related note, one of my favorite quotes is, “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.” To be successful you need more than a good idea.  Turning a vision into a reality requires real work.

Many of our subscribers have already shared how applying something they had read in Jewell Insights allowed them to triumph in a sales situation, so it was an easy decision to compile some of our favorite essays into a book that would benefit an even larger audience.

You may elect to read this book from start to finish.  Or you might turn to an essay at random when you need a dose of inspiration.  Either way, we’re confident you’ll find plenty of insights that will help you prosper yourself by prospering others.

A Veteran's Road to College Success by Kenneth A. Bracewell

A Veteran's Road to College Success is ranked in the Top 100 for Teen and Young Adult Amazon Kindle eBooks.

This motivational story is about an Army Infantry soldier leaving the service and entering college after returning back from Operation Iraqi Freedom 2008-2009. The author shares his story with college students, veterans, military personnel, and supporters of college students and veterans and military in college about how he earned two separate undergraduate degrees (Associates and Bachelors) in three years, despite the stress and constant struggle that occurred in this challenging process.

Read what everyone is talking about!

Here is what some Amazon customers have to say about A Veteran's Road to College Success:


"It is a great book and a great read. Honestly, it made me feel motivated to continue my education. It shows that no matter how hard things are in your life, keep moving forward. You need to work for what you want and if you want it bad enough you will pay attention to the factors that can set you back from reaching your goals. This would be a great book for recent high school graduates and definitely for those who have served our country. It is very inspiring and gives off great motivation. " -E.S.

"This is an excellent book for veterans or anyone with a desired to obtain a college degree by making full use of all the resources available to them, while simultaneously maintaining a good life balance. Kenneth Bracewell's personal story of overcoming early academic life challenges is truly inspirational. His level of character and personal integrity are echoed with the passage of each page. This book is an easy reading very suitable as a gift to a young adult." -B.R.

"Kenneth's book, "A Veteran's Road to College Success" is a quick read with a ton of useful information to those who are college bound, or wondering how to get the biggest bang from the military's benefits offered for part-time college students. Initially I purchased the book as a gift, but found myself reading it because I became interested in Kenneth's story and ideas. One of the Army values is "Selfless Service". He certainly has given selfless service in this book because for only a few bucks you can gain a ton of valuable information that may change the course of your life. Don't hesitate to click the "BUY" button. It's well worth the money and easy to read!"

"This book is highly recommended to those interested in pursuing their educations, especially veterans. Deciding to pursue this path and staying focused and motivated to reach your goals is challenging, and we could all benefit from advice and guidance from someone with relevant life experience. It is always inspiring to read about the successes of others and it is encouraging to learn more details of what they overcame and accomplished and to be able to apply it in our own lives." -M.B.

"This book is easy to read and enjoy. The author offers excellent information on how to succeed in college as well as in life. Read it and you will be inspired, no matter where you may be in life. I highly recommend it." - A.S.

Follow the author on Facebook at:

PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through By Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Do you have a voice inside you saying that you want something different? Do you feel like you're searching for something better, even if you don't know exactly what it is? When you hear words like consciousness, purpose, light, and awaken, do you wonder how they apply to your life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, have no fear-this book is here to help! It provides simple, clear, and understandable thoughts for a growing consciousness, even in a time when people are questioning everything from guiding principles to social structures. In our fast-paced world, Percolate stands as a metaphor for how to move forward with growing awareness:

  • To wake up to what is possible without losing sight of the simple and practical things that already exist
  • To let your heart and mind brew powerful ideas, and your spirit float to the top like foam
  • To live your best life and thrive
  • Most important, to never give up Grab a cup of joe, put your feet up, allow the steam to rise, and let your heart's desire surface

Ah, can you taste the magic as you bring the authentic best you to the world?

Concepts of Thought and Emotion: Improving your Outlook - kindle eBook by Dan Cartwright

Concepts of Thought and Emotion: Improving your Outlook, at its foundation, is a self-help book for those who wish to gain a facet of control over their emotional stance, and their cognitive outlook as a whole.

However, this book offers something more; a philosophical undercurrent designed to not only give the practical ideas buoyancy, but challenge the perceptions of the reader, and encourage personal reflection.

This book is ideal for two types of people: those who would like to make a definite change in their life, and those who enjoy exposure to new ideas.

The text has many themes, one of which is the mind; explaining not only the subversive nature of it, and the plethora of problems it provides for the average person, but a means of effectively manipulating this modality to deliberately affect emotion.

Emotion, while intuitive to all, holds qualities that most remain ignorant of; the consequences of which can be dire. Some simple postulations and exercises hold the potential to offer relief from such frustrations.

While the text is solution orientated, it highlights the common pitfalls in human actions, and the reasons for engaging in such futile behavioural loops; possibly bringing clarity as to why we exist in such a fragile social ecosystem.

Interwoven throughout, is the subject of consciousness; first, considering its relationship to the mind; attempting to unwind the issue beyond semantics, and the theoretical implications this holds for both the individual, and for the momentum of the human race.    

We save the World - kindle ebook by A. K. Blount

The novel "We save the World" focuses on two women who, despite totally different backgrounds, experience similar, enthralling adventures. The first of the women working in one of the best advertising agencies in the world, the other is a fashion photographer and is dealing with high society. Their lives are replete with dramatic events, along with brief, erotic dalliances, and passionate love affairs that end in tragedy. Every adversity they encounter along the way only serves to strengthen them. At one point, weary of a barren, soulless existence, they forgot the superficial pleasures of modern life and, independently of each other, travel to Africa in an attempt to make a difference in the world, what will help to save our planet and people, save world, our world. Maybe there, in Africa, they finally meet the love of their life?

Amazon link

Promotional video link:

'You. Are. Not. Alone.' - Kindle eBook by W. R. Watkins

”You. Are. Not. Alone.” is the debut, semi-autobiographical anthology by W. R. Watkins, that tells the story of a young boy, who navigates his way through the maze of his innermost vulnerabilities, his fears, his hopes and his dreams of life.

"You. Are. Not. Alone." is unique, in the way that the poems are almost diary-esque, with each poem telling a story. A story that offers the reader small glimpses into what it is like to feel isolated, alone and afraid.

W. R. Watkins invites the reader into parts of his life, and hopes to let them know that they are not alone in what they are going through.


"...there is a beautiful sense of "us" that forms, as the title suggests, the foundation of the anthology; that carries you from one page to the next. Although the work is semi-autobiographical, there is not one poem I failed to relate to - whether or not I've been through a similar situation. Watkins' work is personal but non-exclusive...You. Are. Not. Alone. has touched my heart and helped me feel less, well, alone." - L., GoodReads reviewer.

"Related to so many of these stories and came close to tears." - S. Boucher


4+ stars on GoodReads.

Ranked in Kindle Stores:

#1 - Anthologies & Literature Collections - Poetry; Amazon US
#1 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry - Anthologies; Amazon Canada
#1 - Anthologies & Literature Collections - Poetry; Amazon UK
#1 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry - Anthologies; Amazon Australia
#1 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry - Subjects & Themes; Amazon Australia
#4 - Poetry English eBook; Amazon Germany
#8 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry; Amazon US
#11 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry; Amazon UK

The Watchtower Chronicles: Rise of the Guardians by Francesca Moore

This ebook will be free to download from Amazon for three days only - 25th to the 27th September. Download your free copy while you can.

Rise of the Guardians is the first book in The Watchtower Chronicles trilogy. It’s a fast-paced young adult, fantasy adventure and most bookworms can storm through it in a day or so. Although it is marketed for young adults it is the type of ‘aeroplane read’ that can easily have people of all ages hooked in no time.

This book is about four ordinary people who discover that they have extra-ordinary abilities. Each with power over one of the four elements, the Guardians must use their abilities to protect the world from an ancient evil which has re-emerged.

Rise of the Guardians was written while I was at university in Birmingham and so that is where the book begins. Also, several of the characters were based on people that I have met in recent years as their personalities were just too interesting not to be written about. After all, it’s better to write what you know as it makes the read that bit more realistic.

This story is full of Wiccan magic, mythical creatures and mystery. And for those of you who cannot get enough, book 2 ‘Dawn of the Dragon’ will also be available shortly. At the moment it is busy making its transition from brain to page.

Sin Walks Into The Desert - kindle ebook by Matt Ingwalson

"Sin Walks Into The Desert is a taut, suspenseful tale without a wasted word or scene. IndieReader Approved. Five Stars." -

Where's the line between psycho and hero? Twelve-year-old Anderson Kenfax was spending his afternoons prowling the Wyoming prairie, longing after his big sister, and plotting a school bus massacre. Then his distraught parents called in Anderson's uncle, el Viejo. The old man dropped Anderson in the middle of the Arizona desert and taught him to move, think and kill like a predator. Slowly, Anderson became Sin.

Ten years later, Sin gets a call from one of el Viejo's shadowy government contacts. The old man's disappeared in the wastelands. So Sin straps on his guns, grabs his go-bag, and hikes out to find him.

Sin Walks Into The Desert is violent desert noir. But it's also a haunting story about lonely people wandering through barren spaces, searching for understanding and grasping for their own humanity.

Everflame - Kindle ebook by Dylan Lee Peters

The most difficult part of being an author isn’t writing a book. It’s answering the question, What is your book about? Because what you’re really asking me is, Why should I read your book?  It was over the course of four months and 84,000 words that the first book of the Everflame series was born, and in just a tiny fraction of that time and space, I need to give an answer that sparks your interest.

The short answer is Everflame is a fantasy/adventure novel that takes place in the land of Ephanlarea. We follow the tale of a very young boy who is found in the woods by bears, and raised as a member of their kingdom. As he ages, he is faced with an evil that threatens to destroy his world, and he must quest to prevent that from happening.  It is an epic tale of good versus evil, in a world of adventure and imagination. 

The longer, yet more meaningful answer is that Everflame is about my character, my beliefs and myself. It is a parable of my own personal philosophy and my own journey, and at the story’s very core it is a promise. It is an oath to all who I love and who love me that the man I have become and the man I will always be, will do everything I can to be a strength they can rely on and a constant light amid the darkest of times. In other words, it is the very spirit of who I am that is the Everflame.

In the story, the Everflame is a literal flame that burns eternally atop Gray Mountain, the home of the bears who find the young boy abandoned in the forest. The flame is a symbol to the bears of enduring spirit. It resides as the core of their ethics and all they are. An excerpt from the book sees Whiteclaw, a bear, explain the meaning of the Everflame.

“The Everflame is a symbol. It has no power. It’s just a reminder of something we all have, our spirit. And it is to this spirit that we are accountable. Not to an all-powerful tyrant, not even to ancient creators, simply to ourselves. By making an oath to the Everflame, I am merely making an oath to all that I am. If I break that oath, it is I who suffer the greatest loss, and nothing can change that…We all have the ability to judge our own hearts, and we should all have the courage to do so.”

This becomes the central theme that the two most prominent characters in Everflame, Evercloud and Edgar Shein, must face. It would be too simplistic to label them as one good and the other evil. Instead each character is capable of both good and evil. They have to choose with every new moment which path to take, the path of good or the path of evil. It is these choices that ultimately define who they are.  It is they who mold themselves, it is they who mold their relationships with those around them, and it is they who mold their world.

And so we return to the question I must answer, Why should you read Everflame? You should read Everflame because its central theme is about me, and in the very same way, it is also about you.  Ask yourself, who and what do you live for? Who and what do you fight for? And in your personal battle, will you lose strength and fall into darkness? Or will you live with the Everflame in your heart and be a light and a foundation for those that you love?

As you think about your own answers, I’ll leave you with Whiteclaw’s words to those who faced the very same questions.

“Now you must remember what it is that we fight for… Remember your mothers, your fathers, your sisters, and your brothers. Remember all those who have loved you and remain close to your heart. For it is that love that has seen us through the darkness of this world. It is that love that has been a light. See that light. Feel its heat. Now become that light. For it is now we who must banish the darkness for those who have done the same for us.”

Monkeyshine - ebook by J.J. Peters

Monkeyshine is the toy of the decade, a phenomenon that catapults a Seattle company and its greedy executives to the top of corporate America.  But this stuffed animal has a dirty secret and some people will stop at nothing to protect it.

When Alex Scordato is murdered, his grieving fiancĂ©, Shelby Rosen, is desperate to learn why.  As a chemist, did Alex discover something that could destroy the world’s largest toy company?  Did the company’s eccentric founder play a role?

What about Shelby’s boss, who is in line to be the next CEO?
Faced with skepticism from homicide detectives who believe they have solved the case, Shelby races from Seattle to Kauai and then back to the waters of south Puget Sound, piecing together the clues Alex left behind.  Finally, she discovers the truth.  But her battle isn’t over:  she has inadvertently put her three-year-old nephew, Maxey, in the center of the storm.  And now she must save him from those who will stop at nothing – including kidnapping and murder – to protect their careers, their prestige and the wealth they owe to a toy called Monkeyshine.  This novel was a Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association finalist.  Average Amazon rating:  five-stars.  

Girl Found - ebook by Lisa Hall

Touch a door knob. Trail your hand along a stair railing. Grasp a handhold on the train. With every contact you leave a part of yourself behind. How much of your past can she see?

Ellen Morris just wants to move on with her life, leave the past behind, get to a place where no one is looking for her. A place where no one is looking for the talent, because she's already been a guest in one of the Republic's research centers. She'll pass on a second invitation.

And then her guardian is found, and he leads the Republic's agents straight to her, and the agents are trying to make a deal with her family, the very people who might want her dead. Ellen knows she has to run, but where will she go now that everyone knows who she really is?

Revival (Book One of the Return to Us Trilogy) - an erotic novel by M. K. Gilher

Who hasn't fantasized about playing doctor with a real doctor...?

Ivy Summers sure can't keep her impure thoughts to herself when she meets Dr. Jacade Jordan. His sexy bad boy attitude completely spins her universe in directions she never knew existed.

Ivy has always kept her feelings buried deep inside, but this new handsome doctor is determined to bring them to the surface.  The energy and magnetic pull she feels to him is fierce and undeniable.

Come play doctor with Dr. Jordan... physical examination included.

Dust: Kindle ebook by Sarah Daltry

Releasing on November 7, Dust is a YA fantasy with a twist. A philosophical journey about free will and self-acceptance set amid the ruin of war, Dust will transport readers to a new world where magic is suppressed and truth is fluid.

Alondra, the princess, is destined to marry an assassin, but in the privacy of her room, she longs for something more. Freedom from her parents' wishes and a love that challenges everything demanded of her. When the world begins to fall apart around her, she will truly have to decide who she is, what she is willing to sacrifice, and what is worth protecting.

Preorder now and have the book in your hands on November 7!

Pirate Raiders of the Star Trek Wars - kindle ebook by Jim Fenn

​I was recently inspired to start writing parodies for publication when I solved the basic problem of parodies, they tend to be short and the basic unit of publishing is the book.  My solution?  To write a group of parodies about related films and TV shows and bundle them together.  This gave me immense artistic freedom.  For a well known or older film my entire parody may be only a few paragraphs.  The reader can extrapolate the rest.  But mostly I find it great fun to revisit favorite shows and poke a bit of gentle fun at them.  Enjoy! ​

Blood Exchange by Sandra Hood

ON SALE: 99¢ for a limited time! September 23-30

There are vampires in this story (because I’ve been in love with the mystery of vampires ever since catching some Dark Shadows reruns as a kid). But this is not a story about gore. And it breaks some of the "rules." The horrors of Blood Exchange reside less in the paranormal than in the types of choices we sometimes make in society and worse, the ones that are thrust upon us.

When I wrote Blood Exchange, I not only wanted to stick with some of the weird notions I had developed in my youth about how vampirism works, I wanted to explore how we humans react in the face of modern dangers cloaked in the “helpful” hands of government, when and whether true redemption is possible, and what we’re willing to tell ourselves we believe in when the stakes rise to the highest level.

* * * * * * * * * *

Emmalyn Trew followed her husband to Graceville, a town with little to lay its mark upon the map but the First Baptist Church, the smallest hospital in existence, and LifeShare – where Steven Trew manages the most sophisticated blood donor database in the nation.

At LifeShare, blood drives are everyday business, but this time something is different.

Someone is sick. Blood is everywhere.

When Emmalyn rushes her friend to the hospital, she has no idea she is witnessing the beginning of a changing world. Orders are given, and no one objects. After all, people finally have the miracle they’ve been waiting for. Why, then, is Emmalyn so skeptical? Because stories at the hospital don’t match? Because the database at LifeShare may have been compromised? Because no one is asking questions about what they've agreed to give up in exchange for their miracle? Or because the one thing Emmalyn may be asked to trade, she will never sacrifice.

Nicknamed Explorer by her father, Emmalyn discovers the one unlikely place in Graceville where she feels safe. In the face of a world where hope will be dictated and happiness doled out in government-mandated treatments, Emmalyn turns her attention underground. Do the tunnels beneath LifeShare hold the answers that can’t be found along the corridors above?

​Or does the answer lie with the stranger? Pale and secretive, with mysterious silver eyes that seem to follow Emmalyn’s every move, he reveals little other than he is not part of the agreement.

Faith and suspicion collide in this suspense with a paranormal edge where the key players must decide whether they could draw the line between an irresistible promise and the price for attaining it.

The Little Ladybug - a children's ebook by Amelia May

“The Little Ladybug” is a delightful children's book written and illustrated by Amelia May. It tells the heartwarming story of one small bug with one small wish: he just wants a friend. He decides to go on a journey to meet new friends, but most of the other bugs he meets along the way reject his offer of friendship. Hurt and saddened, the ladybug heads home and almost gives up hope, but he finds in the end that true friendship comes naturally—and often from unexpected places!

Throughout his journey, the ladybug shows the importance of patience when looking for friendship and discovers that being kind and helping out someone in need is always a good thing to do.

Kids are sure to adore this little storybook's whimsical illustrations, which are unique and fun in their cut construction paper style. With one illustration accompanying each verse, the ladybug's story truly comes to life, and the rhythm and rhyme of the verses makes this book a fun one to read out loud to young children.

Endearing and inspiring, Amelia May's “The Little Ladybug” is guaranteed to entertain both adults and children as they read together. Recommended for children ages 3 to 7.

Corridor of Darkness by Patrick W. O'Bryon

CORRIDOR OF DARKNESS has been awarded the AIA Gold Seal of Excellence and endorsed by Compulsion Reads.

"The novel is rife with historical intrigue and captures the flavor of mid-century Europe. Throughout, the author has a keen eye for detail, which will be a delight for Europhiles and World War II buffs alike...An intriguing early WWII spy yarn set in a well-researched, authentic Germany." --Kirkus Reviews

"When the writing is powerful and immediate and characters are as real and believable as these ones are, our compassion is aroused and our heart opens. This is the beauty of this book... Their fear becomes our fear, their horror, ours. The skillfully executed prose brings you right into the vibrant beating heart of Berlin in the thirties. I could smell it, see it and taste it." Tahlia Newland for AIA

"First-rate, expertly crafted thriller. O'Bryon's detailed descriptions allowed me to see the streets of old Berlin, taste decadence everywhere, feel imminent dangers around every corner, hear the march of the storm troopers, and virtually smell fear on the citizens as they ran...a fast paced, suspenseful tale with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader on edge." –Awesome Indies Reviewers

"Corridor of Darkness is a compelling and well-researched read...a grand adventure, set in Germany's darkest hours. Strap in, grab a few tissues and enjoy!" - Compulsion Reads

Elixir by Ted Galdi

Elixir is the hit new-release thriller about a teenage genius who goes on a suspenseful journey to cure his girlfriend of Ebola.  Follow super-prodigy Sean Malone as he runs from the NSA and a multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical company in this gripping race against time.  Elixir is an adrenaline-fueled adventure with a compelling love story at its heart.

"Read this book, and get your mind blown."
~ Aditi Saha, Goodreads #1 Top Reviewer

"Read - no, devoured - Elixir...and loved it."
~ Rodger Nichols, News Director, Haystack Broadcasting

"An exhilarating read that was unputdownable and totally riveting from
beginning to its glorious end."
~ Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories blog

" and action in a well written package."
~ Steve Anderson, Executive Editor, The Anderson Agency Report

"Character dynamics that are astounding.  A captivating read."
~ Melissa McComas, CEO, Tsunami Worldwide Media

"I adored this book."
~ The Reading Wonderland blog

Your Side of Midnight - kindle ebook by K. Baldwin and Lyra Ricci

Sometimes dealing with the living can be more hassle than they're worth, and most of the time, they have baggage. Billy learned that the hard way when new people moved into the house he had haunted for two hundred years. Nothing he tried could shake them from their new home, so now, his peaceful afterlife was filled with drama, danger and a family that was in dire need of his style of discipline. With the calm and gentle nature of his best friend, it was only a matter of time before he settled down and began to accept that perhaps change couldn’t be as bad as he assumed it was. At least Gregg, who’d been dead almost as long as he had, didn’t mind the new family.

Nix had always been able to see the dead, and in his opinion, most of the time, they were assholes. Billy was no exception in his opinion. Refusing to be bullied by the disgruntled and often high strung spirit, he helped his family settle into the large Victorian farmhouse in the countryside of Bon Hollow. With his sister in law, her two daughters and his own autistic son, life settled in as normal as it could for the Desmarais family.

As time passed, Billy realized that it was a good call to guard the family zealously when two entities, both hell bent on revenge, decided to target the family.

The General's Ambition, A Master Sergeant Harper Mystery, by M. L. Doyle

If you've read the first two books in the Master Sergeant Harper series, (The Peacekeeper's Photograph and The Sapper's Plot) you already know Harper tends to get herself mired in unexpected and dangers situations. It’s not like she goes looking for trouble, but when there are lingering questions, she figures, someone has to answer them. Sometimes, that someone is staring back at her in the mirror.

In the first book, Harper meets Sergeant Major Harold Fogg, a British Special Air Service soldier who captures her attention and helps dig her out of her messes. Their relationship, because of distance and duty, has largely been put on hold. In The General’s Ambition, they are finally able to spend some time together, although it doesn’t end up quite the way they’d both hoped.

The General’s Ambition is available for preorder now in ebook format with a publication date of Nov. 1, 2014. Like the other two books, this page-turning mystery takes you into the world of life as a soldier, where duty and responsibilities trump just about anything else.

M. L. Doyle has served in the U.S. Army at home and abroad for more than two decades as both a soldier and civilian. She brings all of that experience to the page in this unique mystery series. A Minneapolis native, Mary currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Here is the book’s description:
All Master Sergeant Lauren Harper has to do is make it through one final training exercise before thirty days of sun and sand with Sergeant Major Harry Fogg of the British Special Air Service. Thirty days to finally get to know each other … at last.
When a horrific crime interrupts her plans, Harper knows the delay is only temporary. There were plenty of witnesses and the case is open and shut. Besides, Harper won’t let anything spoil her time away with Harry.


Why would a highly decorated officer do what he did? What if the training accident isn’t an accident? Harper can't shake the idea that there’s more going on than anyone will admit.

The Strange Girl - kindle ebook by Keith Dixon

In The Strange Girl, private investigator Sam Dyke thinks he's taking on a very straightforward case: find someone who's gone missing after being released from prison. In fact the case is solved very quickly ... but unfortunately, it doesn't end there. Because the man who was missing was not only an ex-con, but also an ex-cop, and the reason he spent time in prison was because he was hiding something he dared not reveal. Sam takes it upon himself to find out what that was, and despite himself becomes embroiled in both high-stakes gambling and a daring heist.

Sam Dyke is an investigator who relies on both instinct and experience to tell him where to go and what to look for. He doesn't rely on incredible deductive powers, nor on sheer physical strength, to solve his cases. He has wit, persistence and a native cunning - together with a small team of helpers - that combine to make him a very contemporary investigator and a hero everyone can root for.

The Entity (Book 1) - A Paranormal Erotica short story kindle e-book by: Soliel De Bella

An erotic tale of a sexual obsession to an invisible entity.

Alexis buys her new Vermont condo, freshly out of college and about to embark on her new life in her cute new home with a career straight out of college. Life is fresh and exciting for  Alexis but after some time she is becoming more of a recluse after work, the outgoing, fun loving Alex as her friend's call her is becoming more and more aloof and withdrawn, bewildering all that know her. How can she possibly explain to them she has fallen for an entity in her home, how she cannot see this creature of sorts yet somehow it tantalizes every cell within her the tension of fear and sexual arousal it brings is too much too deny she is caught in its grip.

Pay ONLY What's Fair for Car Repair - kindle ebook by Victoria Stonegate

Kindle Countdown:  Sept. 18-24, 2014

This book is about what to do when your car’s Check Engine light comes on and how to get a fair price for car repair after the Check Engine light has been evaluated.  That means you must first have the problem diagnosed and then get an estimate for repair.  (However, I use this technique for repairs not related to the Check Engine light, which I describe later in this book.)

In the past, I never had much luck getting a Check Engine light diagnosed by any place other than a dealership that sells the same make of my car.  For example, if I had a Ford, a Chevrolet dealership wouldn’t be able to get very far trying to decipher the problem.  I believe it’s because cars have become so computerized that it gives carmakers the opportunity to use software that no other car maker can access.  (However, you may not have to take your car to a dealership to get the Check Engine light diagnosed.  More about that in my book.)

Here’s why I’m so suspicious of car makers.  A Boston TV station ran an investigative report in 2013 about car dealerships.  Did you know that the service representatives – the people who work at the car repair counter – get a commission on every repair they schedule?

I never knew that.  I assumed they were salaried, because I thought only salespeople get commissions.  Why?  Commissions are a huge incentive to make sales.

That means service representatives aren’t really service representatives.  They’re actually salespeople.  In fact, if you’ve ever seen this job advertised on a place like Craigslist, it’s typically listed in the Sales category!  So let’s call them what they really are:  service salespeople.
Service salespeople might not make enough money to pay their bills unless they convince you to commit to the repair they recommend.  A cheap repair means a tiny commission.  A major repair means a much bigger commission.
See the problem?

Here’s a brief example.  When I was in my twenties, a friend highly recommended a dealership when my car needed a tune-up.  She claimed her parents had done business with this dealership for decades and always had a great experience.  When I walked into the dealership, I immediately noticed several huge banners hanging from the ceiling that announced a special on tune-ups.  And yet when I talked to a service salesman, he quoted a price double the advertised price.
Are you kidding me?  I thought.

I pointed at a nearby banner and quoted the price on the banner back to the service salesman.  He didn’t flinch.  His smile never wavered.  He said, “Oh, that’s right.  I forgot.”
Yeah, right.

I’ve always been suspicious of car dealerships.  But the most important thing I learned from the experience that caused me to write this book is that I haven’t been suspicious enough.
That’s changed.  I want to share my experience with you so you can see how bad things had to get before I wised up.  And then I’ll tell you how to prevent service salespeople from doing the same thing to you

Lucifer's Fire by Richard Turner

A thrilling adventure that sweeps across Africa in a hunt for the truth.

1715 – Captain James Lucifer and the survivors of a doomed ship washed ashore in West Africa wait for the coming dawn and their fate. Handing off a fabled and priceless diamond to a lowly young boy, Lucifer sets in motion a chain of events that will reverberate in the Twenty-First century with deadly effect.

In the present, Ryan Mitchell and his team of former special operations soldiers are sent to find and rescue a group of schoolteachers who have gone missing in war-torn Liberia. Quickly moving into the jungles of Liberia, Ryan Mitchell soon discovers things aren't going to be as simple as planned, when rival factions from outside of Liberia quickly complicate matters when they compete to find the fabled treasure buried by James Lucifer before he met his end and will do whatever it takes to get their hands on the prize.

I believe this novel will appeal to those readers who enjoy fast-paced adventure stories in the tradition of novels by Clive Cussler, Andy McDermott and James Rollins.

Deadwater Lane - kindle ebook by Stephen Barker

If you've been looking for the ideal book for boys from around 13 to 16 years of age, then you've just found it in 'Deadwater Lane'.
I'm not saying that girls, or indeed anyone wouldn't enjoy this exciting story, but with cars, gangs and fast-paced adventure, guys everywhere have loved this book.
Christo is struggling with memory loss after a car accident. He was found guilty of running an old man down, though something's not right and fleeting memories of what really happened are coming back to him. With the aid of his friends, both new and old, and the inspiration of The Count of Monte Cristo - yes, you read it right - the mystery begins to unravel. This is a story of revenge, but also of just doing the right thing. A gasoline fuelled tale with heart. Hope you enjoy it...

The Devil's Lieutenant - a Horror Novel by Suzi Albracht

The Devil’s Lieutenant is the story of a young cop, Jake Holyfield, investigating the exceptionally gruesome murder of a hotshot attorney. Unfortunately, his investigation gets the attention of the dark underworld. At the same time, he is slipped information that the killer is an enforcer contracted by the Devil to collect past due debts.  But Detective Holyfield is old school and he refuses to buy into the Devil theory until his informant’s entire family is murdered in retaliation for assisting in the detective’s investigation.

As Jake has no choice except to face the truth that the Devil does exist, the number of murders begins to mount. Will he find a way to track down and contain a killer who answers to the most evil entity in history?
Jake’s world turns upside down when he uncovers a video of yet another murder, this time the victim is a D.C. bigwig. As he watches, the blurred image of his best friend, Max Wilson, appears on screen. On the video, Max is observing the murder but it is unclear just what his involvement might be. Jake is now determined to stop the killer and save Max from the same fate.

Matters take an even darker turn when the Devil’s enforcer takes an interest in Jake’s family – his pregnant wife and two year old daughter.
Just when he wonders if he’ll be able to protect his family and Max, he finds a surprising ally in Mikael Ruskoff.  Together, they wage a war against the Devil and his enforcer.

Twenty-Five Years Ago Today - Kindle ebook by Stacy Juba

What happened when a young newspaper editorial assistant was assigned the tedious task of combing the microfilm for 25 Years Ago Today tidbits? She resigned herself to the task, suffered from a lot of eye strain, and then went on to write a bestselling mystery novel inspired by her first job in the newspaper industry.

Like her heroine Kris Langley in Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, author Stacy Juba once worked as an editorial assistant and obit writer for a daily newspaper. Like Kris, Stacy searched 25-year-old issues for interesting items to include in a daily flashback column.

But Kris Langley found something in the old issues that Stacy didn't. An unsolved murder. And Kris is determined to crack the case...

Kris Langley has always been obsessed with murder. She blames herself for the violent death of her cousin when they were kids and has let guilt invade every corner of her existence. Now an editorial assistant and obit writer, Kris stumbles across an unsolved murder while compiling “25 Years Ago Today” items from the microfilm. Determined to solve the case and atone for the death of her cousin, Kris immerses herself in the mystery of what happened to Diana Ferguson, a talented artist who expressed herself through haunting paintings of Greek mythology.

Not only does Kris face resistance from her family and her managing editor, she also clashes with Diana’s suspicious nephew, Eric Soares – until neither she nor Eric can deny the chemistry flaring between them. She soon learns that old news never leaves the morgue and that yesterday’s headline is tomorrow’s danger, for finding out the truth about that night twenty-five years ago may shatter Kris’s present, costing her love, her career, and ultimately, her life. Get in on the secret - join thousands of readers in discovering who killed Diana Ferguson in this GalleyCat Mystery&Thriller Bestseller.

California Dreamin' Boxed Set - kindle ebook by Melissa Pearl & Anna Cruise

10/1 - 10/15

A limited time publication: only 99c for FOUR full length novels.

Melissa Pearl discovered Anna Cruise a few years ago after reading If I Fall. She fell instantly in love with the author’s amazing work and struck up an online friendship. The two writers met face-to-face for the first time in June and had a fabulous time together. Being able to collaborate on this project is a privilege for both of them. These four novels are a blend of romance and young love with whispers of paranormal elements running through two of them. All set in beautiful Southern California, a place Anna spent much of her youth and a place where Melissa has always dreamed of living.

The Alignment - kindle ebook by Kay Camden

To celebrate the release of the second book in the series, THE ALIGNMENT is free on Kindle September 16-20!

A cataclysmic love story. Mountains, magic, and an assembly line of stealthy killers. A millennium-old spell that thrusts two people into the heart of danger.

The Alignment is the first book in a new series about two rival families and the people caught between them. Three generations, with a pair of lovers in each: one pair destined, one pair enemy, and one pair tragic.

The destined lovers start it all—if they can manage not to kill each other first.

Trey’s a mountain recluse; Liv’s just made a heartbreaking cross-country move. When he totals her car on her first day in town, he’s in no position to make demands: no police, no insurance company, total control over her car's repair. As if his attitude isn’t enough, she’s inexplicably nauseated when in his physical presence.

Trey’s enemies spot them together and move in on her—through her cabin’s skylight. She’s the one they’ve been waiting for. Trey sentences Liv to protective custody in his own home, but her complaints of nausea are making his drinking habit even worse. If they kill her, he’ll be suspect number one. That’s attention he doesn’t need.

But the stars have their own plan.

With an ancient spell invoked, their problems take a U-turn. He’s heading out for revenge against the family who wronged him, and he needs her help. All she has to do is ingest one homemade dissolving tablet to allow him into her mind–to train her to be just like him.

The answer would be a definite no if she had anything of her world left. If she hadn’t fallen in love with him.

Creating Loyal Brands... - kindle ebook by Simon Uwins

Marketing needs reinventing.

Where once brands were images created by advertising, in today’s connected world it’s the customer experience (and the sharing of that experience) that now defines a brand.

The traditional marketing model no longer applies: delivering a great customer experience is a company-wide endeavor rather than just a marketing activity. A new approach to building and managing brands is needed.

That's why I published this book: to share the approach I've found to be successful in this environment.

I grew up in retail marketing, where brands have always been defined by the shopping experience they offer.  I learnt the hard way that when your brand depends on the customer experience, you need to earn the loyalty of customers, and to have the whole business living and breathing the brand. Trained in the traditional marketing model, I had to develop a different approach, which forms the backbone of this book.

It's a short, sharp read for a busy world. There's no padding, just tools, insights and advice to enable you to rethink your marketing and your brand. It's built around a simple, but powerful framework to guide the creation of loyal brands, and shows how earning loyalty delivers a virtuous circle of growth.

So have a read, and start reinventing...

Twist Me - Kindle eBook by Anna Zaires


Kidnapped. Taken to a private island.

I never thought this could happen to me. I never imagined one chance meeting on the eve of my eighteenth birthday could change my life so completely.

Now I belong to him. To Julian. To a man who is as ruthless as he is beautiful—a man whose touch makes me burn. A man whose tenderness I find more devastating than his cruelty.

My captor is an enigma. I don’t know who he is or why he took me. There is a darkness inside him—a darkness that scares me even as it draws me in.

My name is Nora Leston, and this is my story.

When Darkness Falls - Kindle ebook by Shalini Boland, Sarah Dalton, Rebecca Hamilton, Laura Howard, Patti Roberts, Suzy Turner

Dates: September 16th 2014 - September 20th 2014

**Introductory price of 99 cents** Six paranormal novels from six bestselling authors who know how to weave a gripping fantasy tale. From brooding vampires, ghosts and witches, to fallen angels, shifters and fae. Be enchanted with dark romances and sweeping adventures to take you away from the everyday.

The Wolf and the Foster - Fantasy Kindle ebook by Emily LaRue

Orion, a young girl who has been in foster care since she was three years old moves to a new foster home. At seventeen, she isn’t hoping to get adopted, all she hopes for is that this new set of foster parents are nice, most of them aren't, so it is surprising when her foster parents seem perfect. Little does she know, they have a huge secret. What will Orion do when she finds out her foster parents are werewolves and the alpha of their pack says she is his mate? She didn’t even know werewolves existed!!!

Eli, the nineteen year old alpha is surprised when he finds his mate at his own house. He had been waiting to find her, and now it has finally happened, but she is human, not that it was a problem, but their relationship isn’t as easy as they thought it would be, not everyone wants the couple to be together.

Join Orion and Eli as they go through the ups and downs of their relationship.